padding-1 fourth point

fourth point
the web log for the mage game

A play by email game gone blogging...
White Wolf Game Studio
The game was originally meant to be played using White Wolf's "Mage: The Ascension", and it still forms the foundation for the setting.
Apostrophic Labratories
This is where you can find the free font "Amerika", which was used for the headline and section titles.

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posted September 25, 2003
Yeah, that's kinda what I figured. I finish the rest of my beer then get the full six pack out of the fridge. "Let's go," I say to Pen. Drink up, Pete. It's gonna be a long night.
posted by raven | 6:43 PM
posted September 24, 2003
So, what is Alex doing now that Donovan's left her at the bar with Shiva's dossier?
Pen opens and closes her mouth quickly, like a fish, and all she can say is a half-stammered "okay" as she grabs hold of her drink and turns for the door. She's definitely worried, and you get the feeling that she got nowhere near the answer she wanted, but you can also tell that she's not going to push--yet.